Sunday, August 7, 2011

Honey!!! And an eye toward the future.

So two weekends ago, July 23rd to be exact, we harvested our first batch of honey.  Two medium supers came from N's hive and one from L's hive.  N's hive had one more super which was mostly capped, but we didn't want to risk it contaminating our batch so we left it on.  After all, we can get it in the fall right!  Only two supers, one from each hive, were 'extractable'.  The other was cut comb, which is really only for cut comb honey.

All things told we got about 70 lbs. or so of total honey. We just about filled a 5 gallon bucket with extracted honey.

The extraction went well, hopefully I'll put up a dedicated post for that process.

The bees should be able to start collecting more nectar and pollen in the middle of August.  July and the first bit of August are sort of a dry period for them.  Not much out to collect!

We plan on using honey proceeds to put back into bee equipment ... after all they do most of the work!

1 comment:

  1. Still dying to try some of the honey! What are the ladies up to now that the snow is starting to fall???
