Sunday, July 17, 2011

A quick update

We had some great inspections yesterday (July 16th).  We had guests for the inspection of L's hive.  She thrives on talking about the bees and the bees seemed to be pretty relaxed as well (which hasn't been the case the past few weeks).  She requeened (twice) and it seemes to have worked now.  Guess we'll see in another week or two how she's really doing.  Maybe I'll convince her to write a seperate post about her requeening.

My inspection went well too, which was a surprise since the bees haven't been in the best mood the past couple weeks.  In fact I got stung on Friday just doing some yard work.  We didn't use a lot of smoke which maybe helped.

We have about 4 boxes of honey which we hope to process next week.  We'll certainly post about our extraction experience when it's all said and done.